

Everyone needs a great day off! I’ve found that the best days off have a mixture of productivity, rest, and unique endeavors that refresh you for return to your Monday. I have a fast paced lifestyle of being a licensed veterinary technician (nurse for animals) in a critical care setting and staying very busy with my horses and dogs as well as trying to ace my exams in graduate school!

I am also a follower of Jesus Christ who not only gives me eternal life but gives me a “peace that passes all understanding.” I  pray my blog will encourage you and give you hope.

I tend to be a bit of a dreamer. I can dream up more ideas than I can follow up on! *The struggle is real and I have developed ways to follow through even when the fairytales are calling. 

Follow my blog for ways to refresh, stay focused, prevent burnout, learn new things, accomplish your dreams, and meanwhile have the best day off ever!

ps. I confess. Lizzie isn’t my real name. Elizabeth is my middle name and Lizzie sounded much more trendy and worthy of a blog following than my first name:)